These words can be difficult. Here's how to write them.
- add-on (noun, adjective), add on (verb)
- noun - When you need an add-on installed by a professional, call us today.
- verb - When you need to add on new steps to your deck, call us today.
- back end (noun), back-end (adjective)
- best seller (noun), best-selling (adjective)
- noun - Mop and Shine is our number one best seller.
- verb - Check out our best selling products.
- beta
- bookstore
- brick-and-mortar
- checkbox
- coworker
- click-through rate (CTR)
- cost per click
- double-click
- drop-down (noun, adjective), drop down (verb)
- e-commerce (the industry)
- ePub
- email (never hyphenate, never capitalize unless it begins a sentence)
- To name
- From name
- Reply-to name
- Subject line
- Cc, Bcc
- emoji (singular and plural)
- fireman
- front end (noun), front-end (adjective)
- geolocation
- hashtag
- homepage
- integrate
- internet (never capitalize unless it begins a sentence)
- JPGs
- login (noun, adjective), log in (verb)
- Like (the social media activity)
- long-term
- multichannel
- notebook
- nonprofit
- OK (not okay)
- online (never capitalize unless it begins a sentence)
- opt-in (noun, adjective), opt in (verb)
- pay-per-click (PPC)
- pop-up (noun, adjective), pop up (verb)
- noun example
- We offer quick turnarounds for your next pop-up event.
- verb example - If a toothache pops up, we offer emergency appointments.
- pre-sale
- product-market fit
- signup (noun, adjective), sign up (verb)
- noun - Signups start on Monday.
- adjective example
- For a free consultation use our online signup form.
- verb example
- Use our form to sign up today.
- sync
- third party (noun), third-party (adjective)
- noun example - When you need an impartial third party to review your accident claim call Morgan and Price today.
- adjective example - Our security systems support third-party software.
- turnaround (noun), turn around (verb)
- noun example
- When you need your oil changed quickly we offer fast turnaround.
- verb example
- Turn around your business's prospects by hiring our Stout Consultants.
- tweet, retweet
- up-to-date
- username
- website
- WiFi